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Energy & Natural Resources is one of the top expertise areas of Mocanu si Asociatii. Our lawyers assist both authorities/institutions and national and international leading actors in the relevant market on matters pertaining to regulatory, acquisition, financing and project development. During our practice, we have been involved in most of the privatisations conducted in the Romanian energy sector and we acted as legal adviser in projects pertaining to renewable energy or to the oil & gas sector. Our expertise covers the following:
? Legal advice regarding the regulatory matters pertaining to the performance of specific activities in the field of electric and thermal energy, oil and gas, including for the enforcement of environmental regulations
? Legal assistance and advice, as well as representation in the process of obtaining licenses, authorizations, permits and approvals for performance of activities in the field of electricity, oil and gas
? Legal assistance in drafting and negotiating the documents pertaining to investment projects in the energy field, as well as throughout the execution phase of such projects (construction, modernization, refurbishment)
? Legal assistance in negotiating, drafting and/or assessing contracts for electric and thermal energy, oil, fuel and gas
? Representation before the regulatory authorities in the relevant fields (i.e. ANRE, ANRGN, OPCOM, environmental protection authorities)
? Legal advice regarding the regulatory and compliance matters pertaining to the renewable sources of energy (e.g. obtaining and trading green certificates, trading carbon credits, setting up energy facilities which are using renewable sources of energy).
Back to Practice Areas »Advising an important local player operating in the coal mining and energy production on a spin-off aimed at transferring certain mining related assets to a newly set-up company.
Advising a local project company being active in the power generation field throughout the process of rising approximately EUR 1bn green field investments aimed at building a pumped storage hydro power plant.
Advising one of the largest Romanian companies operating in the coal mining and energy production throughout the privatization of certain of its strategic assets by way of implementing green field/brown field investment project – i.e. the setting up of an IPP joint-venture (Independent Power Producer) for building a power group.
Advising and representing the companies, the associations and the trusts belonging to an important local group of commercial and not-for-profit entities operating in various sectors in connection with their day-to-day activities, including in connection with cross-border acquisitions and de-mergers.
Advising an important Romanian company operating in the coal mining and energy production in connection with the unbundling of mining related activities and assets from energy related activities and assets thorough a de-merger.
Advising an important Romanian company operating in the coal mining and energy production in connection with the sale of shares by share capital increase, according to the privatization strategy approved by the Government of Romania, as well as in connection with the selection of the advisor with sound international reputation or the investment bank to be mandated with the execution of the privatization.
Advising and representing one of the largest Romanian state-owned company operating in the energy field, before the International Court of Arbitration by the International Chamber of Commerce – ICC Paris, in arbitration proceedings deriving from the breach by the purchaser of its undertakings in the privatization agreement and involving claims in excess of EUR 30mn.
Advising and representing one of the largest Romanian state-owned company operating in the energy field, before the International Court of Arbitration by the International Chamber of Commerce – ICC Paris, in arbitration proceedings deriving from the breach by the purchaser of its undertakings in the privatization agreement and involving claims in excess of EUR 800mn.
Advising the largest Romanian producer of thermal energy in connection with its restructuring and reorganization through a spin-off, out of which two new companies have been incorporated, including advisory on all competition matters pertaining to the spin-off and representation before any court of law in disputes arising from the spin-off.
Advising an important Romanian company operating in the coal mining and energy production throughout the privatization of certain of its strategic assets by way of implementing green field/brown field investment projects – i.e. the setting up of an IPP joint-venture (Independent Power Producer) for building a combined-cycle power plant and a micro hydropower plant.
Advising the largest producer and supplier of natural gas in Romania in connection with the notification of the economic concentration deriving from the acquisition of certain assets belonging to the largest Romanian producer of thermal energy.
Advising one of the largest Romanian operators in the fields of distribution, sourcing and other energy-related services, and its appointed financial adviser in assessing the purchasers’ compliance with the obligations undertaken in the share sale-purchase agreements concluded in connection with the privatization of former affiliates of the Romanian operator; advising the aforementioned operator and/or any of its affiliated companies in connection with any corporate matters pertaining to their activities.
Advising one of the largest Romanian operators in the fields of distribution, sourcing and other energy-related services, and its appointed financial adviser in structuring and executing the sale of shareholdings in companies resulting from the reorganization of former affiliated companies having been privatized.
Advising and representing one of the leading Romanian companies operating in the field of electrical and thermal power generation throughout the privatization process by way of shares sale on the capital market (i.e. initial public offering followed by listing on the regulated market), the initial public offering amounting over EUR 100mn, including legal advice in prospectus drafting and representation of the issuer before the capital market authorities.
Advising and representing the Romanian subsidiaries of a British multinational company ranking among the leading oil and gas companies worldwide, in connection with their day-to-day activities.
Advising the largest Romanian producer of thermal energy in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with the execution of complex transactions such as: the privatization of certain strategic assets by way of implementing green field/brown field investment projects (the setting up of an IPP joint-venture – Independent Power Producer), the dissolution and liquidation of a project company and the giving in payment of certain assets.
Advising an important Romanian company operating in the coal mining and energy production in connection with a merger between two entities operating in the same field, a restructuring operation aimed at preparing the company for privatization, and in connection with the acquisition within a merger (involving the increase of the share capital by issuance of new shares subscribed both in cash and in-kind) of certain viable assets, including legal advice and representation in notifying the economic concentration to the Competition Council and obtaining the merger clearance.
Advising one of the largest Romanian companies operating in the coal mining and energy production in connection with a merger between four entities operating in the same field, a restructuring operation aimed at preparing the company for privatization.
Advising the transmission and system operator on the Romanian electricity market throughout the privatization process by way of shares sale on the capital market (i.e. secondary public offering), the public offering amounting approximately EUR 37mn.
Advising an important state-owned company operating in the field of electric and thermal power generation in connection with the unbundling of the viable assets through a spin-off operation and the setting up of a new state-owned company.
Advising a Romanian company operating in the electric energy generation field in connection with a share capital increase by compensation of receivables.
Advising one of the largest Romanian operators in the fields of distribution, sourcing and other energy-related services in connection with the de-merger of one of its affiliated companies, a restructuring operation out of which 5 new companies have been incorporated, as well as in connection with the selection of the advisors with sound international reputation or the investment banks to be mandated with the execution of the privatization of the companies resulting out of the de-merger.
Advising and representing a governmental authority in preparing for privatization and executing the privatization strategy for the largest company in the mining and processing of the copper ore, including by conducting the legal due diligence investigation, drafting the presentation file and the sale-purchase agreement, assessing the potential state aide elements pertaining to the privatization, and assisting the client during the negotiations with the potential investors of the transaction documents.
Advising and representing a major Romanian private provider of engineering services and solutions for the industrial and energy field in connection with its acquisition of the majority shareholding in a Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering company.
Advising a governmental authority throughout the procedure of selecting the intermediary of a secondary public offering for sale of shares issued by the most prominent oil and gas integrated company in South East Europe.
Advising the Romanian salt mining and processing company in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with complex transactions (i.e. preparing the company for privatization-restructuring-reorganization, the execution of asset deals).
Advising a privately-owned company operating in the energy field on its acquisition in a public tender of 100% shareholding in a local producer and distributor of thermal energy, including by advising the client in negotiating the transaction documents and closing the transaction, and assisting the client in obtaining the clearance of a state aid for the restructuring of the privatized company.
Advising and representing the Romanian affiliate of one of the largest company in the European market for natural gas production, transport and distribution, in connection with its merger with the Romanian affiliate of an important European energy company, as consequence of the cross-border merger leading to the establishment of one of the most prominent energy groups worldwide, including the provision of legal advice and representation in connection with the day-to-day activities of the Romanian affiliates after the completion of the merger.
Advising the largest producer and supplier of natural gas in Romania on various state aid matters pertaining to commercial transactions conducted by the client.
Advising an important state-owned company operating in the field of electric and thermal power generation on various competition related matters (i.e. state aid, economic concentration, coordination of competitive behavior) impacting the setting up of a joint-venture company.
Advising the intermediation syndicate throughout the listing of the gas transmission operator in Romania aimed at privatizing the company by way of shares sale on the capital market (i.e. initial public offering followed by listing on the regulated market), the initial public offering amounting up to EUR 65mn, including legal advice on prospectus drafting and representation of the issuer before the capital market authorities.
Advising the intermediation syndicate throughout the listing of the transmission and system operator on the Romanian electricity market, a procedure aimed at privatizing the company by way of shares sale on the capital market (i.e. initial public offering followed by listing on the regulated market), the initial public offering amounting up to EUR 35mn, including the preparation of the legal due diligence report, advising on prospectus drafting and representing the issuer before the capital market authorities.
Advising the leading supplier of electricity and ancillary services on the Romanian energy market in connection with the privatization of certain of its assets.
Advising and representing the administrator of the electricity and natural gas market in Romania in an arbitration proceeding before the Court of International Commercial Arbitration by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania in connection with claims brought against the client.