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The legal services pertaining to Corporate, Mergers, Acquisitions and Privatisation projects are one of our traditional and most praised areas of practice. Mocanu si Asociatii provides legal advice on a whole array of corporate matters, from the mere incorporation of a legal entity in Romania to complex takeovers and investments.
After more than 15 years of activity, our experience in Mergers & Acquisitions projects is solid and substantial, enabling us to provide expert legal advice throughout the whole transaction process, from planning to execution and completion, as well as on post-transaction matters. We leverage this expertise in providing independent, objective and focused advice and analysis, aimed at assisting timely decision making in mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and joint-ventures.
Our Privatisation practice includes a team of experienced lawyers that provided legal advice in most of the major national privatisation processes. We acted for privatisation authorities in relation to preparing the privatisation strategy and documents, selecting the strategic investor/buyer, closing the transaction, post-privatisation observation. We have also provided legal support to private international or domestic investors during pre- and post-privatisation matters. Our expertise covers the following:
? Legal assistance, advice and representation in the reorganization and/or restructuring process of state-owned and/or private companies, including, without limitation to:
• Legal analyses of the legal, property-related, economic and financial, social and environmental situation of the companies; performing due diligence reports
• Legal forecasts regarding the organization and development of the companies’ activity (irrespective of the share capital structure); performing SWOT analyses and reports
• Preparation/implementation of restructuring/reorganization programs; share/asset sale; share/asset giving in payment; layoffs
• Legal assistance and representation throughout the entire transaction process in mergers, de-mergers and spin-offs, including the preparation of all relevant documentation thereof (e.g. any corporate deeds; the legal component of the merger/de-merger/spin-off projects; the notification of the economic concentration to the Competition Council, where applicable) and representation before the courts of law in Romania and other relevant public authorities and stakeholders (e.g. shareholders, creditors, Trade Register, Competition Council, regulatory authorities, trade unions, contractual partners)
• Legal assistance in drafting and negotiating documents required to attract private investments in the public sector (e.g. establishment of IPP joint ventures; concessions, public-private partnership)
? Legal assistance and representation in privatizations procedures, including, without limitation to:
• Due-diligence investigations
• Transaction structuring; ascertaining the funding mechanisms and assessing the validity of the financial guarantees offered
• Preparation of the documents required to participate in acquisition/privatization procedures
• Assistance/representation in the bidding/negotiation sessions organized for the sale of public or private shares and/or assets
• Participation in the negotiation of the transaction documents (share sale agreements; contracts for attracting investments, guarantee agreements, other relevant documents)
• Preparation of the notification to the Competition Council of the economic concentration deriving from the acquisition/privatization procedures
• Client representation in disputes deriving from or related to the acquisition/privatization procedures
? Legal assistance, advice and representation in connection with the company’s day-to-day activities, as well as in connection with the post-transaction period (after completion of operations such as privatisation/merger/de-merger/spin-off).
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Advising an important local player operating in the coal mining and energy production on a spin-off aimed at transferring certain mining related assets to a newly set-up company
Advising a local project company being active in the power generation field throughout the process of rising approximately EUR 1bn green field investments aimed at building a pumped storage hydro power plant
Advising an important supplier of thermal energy throughout the process of changing its legal form from autonomous public services undertaking to joint-stock company, followed by the merger of the latest with another operator in the same field of activity
Advising one of the largest Romanian companies operating in the coal mining and energy production throughout the privatization of certain of its strategic assets by way of implementing green field/brown field investment project – i.e. the setting up of an IPP joint-venture (Independent Power Producer) for building a power group
Advising and representing one of the most important banks in Romania, member of the largest Italian financial group, throughout various litigations (foreclosure proceedings), including in insolvency proceedings
Advising and representing a bank in Romania affiliated to an important Greek financial group in connection with its day-to-day activities
Advising and representing one of the most important banks in Romania, member of the largest Italian financial group, in connection with the analysis of the real estate pledged by the clients in favor of the bank (both retail clients, including bank’s employees, and corporate clients), providing legal endorsement for the securities agreements entered into by bank as lender, handling the bank’s relationships with the notary public offices being involved in the execution of the securities agreements, as well as overseeing of the accuracy of the registrations made in the land book
Advising and representing one of the largest international concession and constructions groups on the setting up of two affiliated companies in Romania, and providing legal advice in connection with the day-to-day activities of the Romanian affiliates
Advising and representing the companies, the associations and the trusts belonging to an important local group of commercial and not-for-profit entities operating in various sectors in connection with their day-to-day activities, including in connection with cross-border acquisitions and de-mergers
Advising and representing an important general contracting company from Middle East in connection with its participation in the privatization process of the largest Romanian manufacturer of power transformers and rotating electrical machines (listed company) and carrying out all activities for closing the acquisition of the majority shareholding in the privatized company, the transaction value being of approximately EUR 90mn; providing legal advice and representation in the post-privatization phase in connection with the day-to-day activities of the privatized company (i.e. share capital increases and decreases, participating in joint-ventures, creating encumbrances, post-privatization assistance), including in connection with the restructuring of the privatized company (drafting the reorganization plan; providing legal advice and representation in the relationship with the labor unions; advising on the outsourcing and/or the divestiture of certain activities performed by the privatized company, including for drafting and negotiation the transaction documents; providing legal advice in connection with the procedures aimed at settling the arrears of the privatized company and in connection with the litigations brought by the National Agency for Fiscal Administration)
Advising and representing the Romanian subsidiary of an important Greek health care services supplier in connection with its day-to-day activities, including representation before any court or arbitration body, representation in the relationships with public authorities, legal advice for drafting commercial agreements (i.e. service agreements with clients and suppliers; partnership agreements pertaining for various projects), advisory and representation in connection with media activities such as right of reply
Advising an important Romanian company operating in the coal mining and energy production in connection with the unbundling of mining related activities and assets from energy related activities and assets thorough a de-merger
Advising an important Romanian company operating in the coal mining and energy production in connection with the sale of shares by share capital increase, according to the privatization strategy approved by the Government of Romania, as well as in connection with the selection of the advisor with sound international reputation or the investment bank to be mandated with the execution of the privatization
Advising and representing the Romanian subsidiary of one of the largest construction and civil engineering companies in Israel in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with acquisitions of shares in other companies
Advising and representing the Romanian subsidiary of a leading Greek retailer of consumer goods in connection with its day-do-day activities, particularly in connection with the relationships with its business partners
Advising and representing a local provider of health care services in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with the regulations applicable in the health care sector
Advising the subsidiary in Singapore of one of the largest Indian banks in connection with two loan facilities in aggregate amount of USD 55mn, having been made available to a leading international manufacturer of stainless steel long products, including by conducting legal due diligence in connection with assets being pledged in favor of the lender by the Romanian subsidiary of the borrower and by amending the facility agreement and the securities agreements
Advising and representing the largest Romanian cigarettes manufacturer in litigations regarding the state aid granted on the occasion of privatization and involving claims of over RON 1bn
Advising an important Italian provider of health care services on the setting up and the licensing of its Romanian affiliate operating in the hospital business, including representation before the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Division in connection with hospital’s licensing and accreditation procedure; advising the Romanian newly created company in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with specific projects (i.e. the share capital increase by EUR 6mn within the operation of claims compensation with shares issued by a company managing a private hospital in Romania)
Advising and representing one of the most important banks in Romania, member of the largest Italian financial group, in notifying to the Competition Council and obtaining the merger clearance for the acquisition of a corporate banking business amounting over EUR 500mn
Advising the largest Romanian producer of thermal energy in connection with its restructuring and reorganization through a spin-off, out of which two new companies have been incorporated, including advisory on all competition matters pertaining to the spin-off and representation before any court of law in disputes arising from the spin-off
Advising an important Romanian company operating in the coal mining and energy production throughout the privatization of certain of its strategic assets by way of implementing green field/brown field investment projects – i.e. the setting up of an IPP joint-venture (Independent Power Producer) for building a combined-cycle power plant and a micro hydropower plant
Advising and representing one of the largest retailers in Romania, a company affiliated to the second-biggest operator in the European cash & carry and wholesale supplies sector, in connection with an investigation initiated by the Competition Council, as well as in connection with its day-to-day activities
Advising the Romanian subsidiary of one of the worldwide leading groups operating in the field of industrial gases, engineering and pharmaceutical and medical gas solutions, in connection with its acquisition of 100% shareholding in the largest distributor of respiratory medical devices in Romania, including legal advice in the post-acquisition phase; advising and representing the client in connection with its day-to-day activities
Advising a local research institute in the field of railway engineering and constructions in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with all forms of share capital increases (in-kind, in cash, by compensation of receivables, in all cases new shares being issued and preemption rights being exercised), and in connection with all post-privatization related matters
Advising a leading private rail freight transport company in connection with its participation in the privatization process of the largest Romanian rail freight carrier, including by conducting the legal due diligence investigation, providing legal advice throughout the negotiation and signing of the transaction documents, and drafting the documentation pertaining to the notification of the contemplated transaction to the Competition Council
Advising a consortium made of private investors on their acquisition of the majority shareholding in the leading out-of-home advertising services provider in Romania
Advising the largest producer and supplier of natural gas in Romania in connection with the notification of the economic concentration deriving from the acquisition of certain assets belonging to the largest Romanian producer of thermal energy
Advising one of the largest Romanian operators in the fields of distribution, sourcing and other energy-related services, and its appointed financial adviser in assessing the purchasers’ compliance with the obligations undertaken in the share sale-purchase agreements concluded in connection with the privatization of former affiliates of the Romanian operator; advising the aforementioned operator and/or any of its affiliated companies in connection with any corporate matters pertaining to their activities
Advising one of the largest Romanian operators in the fields of distribution, sourcing and other energy-related services, and its appointed financial adviser in structuring and executing the sale of shareholdings in companies resulting from the reorganization of former affiliated companies having been privatized
Advising and representing one of the leading Romanian companies operating in the field of electrical and thermal power generation throughout the privatization process by way of shares sale on the capital market (i.e. initial public offering followed by listing on the regulated market), the initial public offering amounting over EUR 100mn, including legal advice in prospectus drafting and representation of the issuer before the capital market authorities
Advising the leading frozen and chilled food products distributor on the Romanian market in restructuring the group of companies by executing approximately 50 mergers between over 200 companies, as well as 18 spin-offs involving over 30 companies, including by providing legal advice in notifying to the Competition Council the subsequent economic concentrations and obtaining the merger clearance pertaining to the aforementioned restructuring transactions
Advising and representing the Romanian subsidiary of one of the foremost Spain based multinational group operating in the field of civil engineering, constructions, industrial projects and concessions, in connection with its day-to-day activities
Advising the Romanian subsidiary of in important German provider of financial services for small- and medium-size enterprise in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with share capital increases
Advising and representing the Romanian subsidiary of an important Israel based, multinational group operating in the engineering and construction fields on its merger with two water supply and sewerage companies, including by providing legal advice in notifying to the Competition Council the subsequent economic concentrations and obtaining the merger clearance, as well as by providing legal advice and representation in connection with the day-to-day activities of the client
Advising and representing the Romanian subsidiaries of a British multinational company ranking among the leading oil and gas companies worldwide, in connection with their day-to-day activities
Advising the largest Romanian producer of thermal energy in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with the execution of complex transactions such as: the privatization of certain strategic assets by way of implementing green field/brown field investment projects (the setting up of an IPP joint-venture – Independent Power Producer), the dissolution and liquidation of a project company and the giving in payment of certain assets
Advising an important Romanian company operating in the coal mining and energy production in connection with a merger between two entities operating in the same field, a restructuring operation aimed at preparing the company for privatization, and in connection with the acquisition within a merger (involving the increase of the share capital by issuance of new shares subscribed both in cash and in-kind) of certain viable assets, including legal advice and representation in notifying the economic concentration to the Competition Council and obtaining the merger clearance
Advising one of the largest Romanian companies operating in the coal mining and energy production in connection with a merger between four entities operating in the same field, a restructuring operation aimed at preparing the company for privatization
Advising the transmission and system operator on the Romanian electricity market throughout the privatization process by way of shares sale on the capital market (i.e. secondary public offering), the public offering amounting approximately EUR 37mn
Advising an important state-owned company operating in the field of electric and thermal power generation in connection with the unbundling of the viable assets through a spin-off operation and the setting up of a new state-owned company
Advising and representing an important Indian supplier of engineering services in connection with the transfer of shares issued by its Romanian affiliated company
Advising a Romanian manufacturer and distributor of medicines and cosmetics, as well as its shareholders, in connection with their the acquisition of 50% shareholding and common control in a company operating a chain of pharmacies
Advising a Romanian company operating in the electric energy generation field in connection with a share capital increase by compensation of receivables
Advising one of the largest Romanian operators in the fields of distribution, sourcing and other energy-related services in connection with the de-merger of one of its affiliated companies, a restructuring operation out of which 5 new companies have been incorporated, as well as in connection with the selection of the advisors with sound international reputation or the investment banks to be mandated with the execution of the privatization of the companies resulting out of the de-merger
Advising and representing a Romanian supplier of health care services in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with the regulations applicable in the health care sector
Advising and representing a governmental authority in preparing for privatization and executing the privatization strategy for the largest company in the mining and processing of the copper ore, including by conducting the legal due diligence investigation, drafting the presentation file and the sale-purchase agreement, assessing the potential state aide elements pertaining to the privatization, and assisting the client during the negotiations with the potential investors of the transaction documents
Advising the Romanian affiliate of an important Italian manufacturer of medical devices in connection with its participation in the privatization process of a Romanian listed company operating in the same field, and performing all activities for closing the acquisition by the client of the majority shareholding in the privatized company in a transaction amounting to EUR 15mn; legal advisory and representation in the post-privatization phase in connection with the day-to-day activities of the privatized company, including in connection with the share capital increases, the merger between the privatized company and the Romanian affiliate of the Italian manufacturer, the overseeing of the relationship with the minority shareholders, drafting all capital market related reports and liaising on behalf of the client with the capital market institutions
Advising a consortium of investors in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of a local research institute in the field of railway engineering and constructions and performing all activities for closing the acquisition by the client of the majority shareholding in the privatized company, including legal advice and representation in notifying the economic concentration to the Competition Council and obtaining the merger clearance; legal advisory and representation in the post-privatization phase
Advising and representing a major Romanian producer in the chemical industry in Central and Eastern Europe, in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with complex transactions and matters such as: the acquisition of certain assets from the most prominent oil and gas integrated company in South East Europe in an asset deal amounting to EUR 13mn; obtaining state aid clearance from the European Commission; disputes with minority shareholders
Advising and representing a major Romanian private provider of engineering services and solutions for the industrial and energy field in connection with its acquisition of the majority shareholding in a Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering company
Advising a governmental authority throughout the procedure of selecting the intermediary of a secondary public offering for sale of shares issued by the most prominent oil and gas integrated company in South East Europe
Advising the shareholders of the largest Romanian distributor of agricultural inputs on their sale of the majority shareholding to one of the most prominent Japanese integrated trading and investment businesses conglomerate, including by assisting the clients throughout the due diligence investigation, advising in drafting, negotiating and signing the transaction documents, and in closing the transaction
Advising the Romanian salt mining and processing company in connection with its day-to-day activities, including in connection with complex transactions (i.e. preparing the company for privatization-restructuring-reorganization, the execution of asset deals)
Advising and representing in important Romanian processor and distributor of meat and meat products throughout the procedure of assessing its compliance with the conditions set forth in the notification of the economic concentration arising out of the acquisition of a minority shareholding in a shopping center
Advising the Romanian State in updating the privatization strategy for the largest rail freight transport company in Romania, under terms and conditions aimed at diminishing the incidence of state aid legislation, and at securing the compliance by the Romanian Government with its undertakings before the international financial institutions
Advising the owner of the leading online gaming brands worldwide in notifying to the Competition Council and obtaining the merger clearance for the economic concentration arising out of EUR 2.8bn cross-border merger with another international entertainment company
Advising the leading frozen and chilled food products distributor on the Romanian market in drafting, negotiating and signing the transaction documentation pertaining to the setting up, together with the leading bakery company in Belgium, of a joint-venture company for the implementation of a green field investment amounting in its incipient phase over EUR 17mn
Advising a privately-owned company operating in the energy field on its acquisition in a public tender of 100% shareholding in a local producer and distributor of thermal energy, including by advising the client in negotiating the transaction documents and closing the transaction, and assisting the client in obtaining the clearance of a state aid for the restructuring of the privatized company
Advising and representing the Romanian affiliate of one of the largest company in the European market for natural gas production, transport and distribution, in connection with its merger with the Romanian affiliate of an important European energy company, as consequence of the cross-border merger leading to the establishment of one of the most prominent energy groups worldwide, including the provision of legal advice and representation in connection with the day-to-day activities of the Romanian affiliates after the completion of the merger
Advising and representing a leading international manufacturer of stainless steel long products in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of a listed Romanian company operating in the same field, by way of transferring the shares sale-purchase agreement in a novation transaction, including the performance of the legal due diligence investigation, assistance in negotiating the transaction documents and closing the acquisition of the majority shareholding in the privatized company in a transaction amounting to EUR 30mn, assistance in obtaining the clearance for certain tax concessions and in obtaining the merger clearance; assistance in the post-privatization phase
Advising and representing a consortium of investors in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of an important manufacturer of engines and turbines (listed company), including by conducting the legal due diligence investigation, assisting the client in negotiating and signing the transaction documents, assisting the client in obtaining the merger clearance and in closing the acquisition of the majority shareholding in the privatized company, the transaction value amounting to EUR 50mn; assisting and representing the client in connection with the restructuring of the privatized company (for instance, the transfer of activities and assets to affiliated entities through spin-off operations; the transfer of certain assets; the increase and the decrease of the share capital; contracting bank loans; entering in joint-ventures for performing new activities)
Advising the shareholders of a Romanian supplier of health care services for kidney failure in the sale of all their shareholdings to the Romanian affiliate of the world’s leading supplier of products and services for dialysis
Advising and representing an important Romanian distributor of pharmaceuticals throughout its merger, as absorbing company, with three other pharmaceuticals distributors, both closed and publicly-held companies, including in preparation of the merger, in drafting the merger project and all corporate deeds, and in notifying the economic concentration to the Competition Council and in obtaining the merger clearance
Advising a consortium of investors in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of a local research institute in the field of aerospace and performing all activities for closing the acquisition by the client of the majority shareholding in the privatized company; legal advice and representation in connection with the day-to-day activities of the privatized company
Advising a local company with activities in the real estate in connection with its acquisition of a minority shareholding in an architecture and design company, including in negotiating the transaction documentation and closing the transaction
Advising the largest Romanian rail freight carrier on the setting up of a joint-venture company, including by assisting the client in negotiating the joint-venture documentation and in assessing the competition related matters pertaining to the incorporation of the joint-venture
Advising the Romanian State throughout the procedure of selecting the intermediary of a secondary public offering and listing of shares issued by the largest fixed telephony operator in Romania
Advising an asset management company in connection with the public offering of units issued by the closed-ended investment fund under management, the public offering amounting over EUR 5mn, including by advising on drafting the prospectus and by representing the asset manager before the capital market institutions
Advising the Romanian State throughout the procedure of selecting the intermediaries of the secondary public offerings for shares held by the state in 8 companies, including in the largest Romanian airport operator
Advising the Romanian State in preparing the privatization strategy for the largest rail freight transport company in Romania, including by preparing the legal due diligence report and by assisting the client throughout the consultation and clearance procedures conducted with the European Commission in connection with the proposed privatization avenues
Advising a consortium of investors in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of a local manufacturer of metal and plastic products
Advising a governmental authority on implementing the privatization strategy for an important Romanian manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, the transaction value being estimated at that time at over EUR 90mn
Advising and representing the largest Indian manufacturer of seamless pipes in connection with its participation to the open outcry auction organized in the liquidation procedure of the largest Romanian manufacturer of oil pipes, the transaction value amounting to EUR 43mn
Advising a local research institute in the field of engineering and design for non-ferrous metallurgy in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of a local research institute in the field of chemical engineering
Advising the largest rail freight transport company in Romania throughout the negotiations conducted with the group of lenders for the conclusion of a syndicated loan agreement, the credit facility amounting over EUR 100mn and being made available for the refinancing of a bond issuance
Advising the largest Romanian operator in the field of postal services throughout the negotiations conducted with an international financial institution for the conclusion of a loan agreement, the credit facility amounting up to EUR 50mn and being made available for upgrading the mail sorting and distribution infrastructure
Advising the intermediation syndicate throughout the listing of the gas transmission operator in Romania aimed at privatizing the company by way of shares sale on the capital market (i.e. initial public offering followed by listing on the regulated market), the initial public offering amounting up to EUR 65mn, including legal advice on prospectus drafting and representation of the issuer before the capital market authorities
Advising and representing a governmental authority throughout the whole procedure regarding the dissolution and voluntary liquidation of five companies operating in the chemical field, by drafting the reorganization related documentation, by assisting the appointed liquidator, by advising on the sale of assets related procedures, and by attending the negotiations of the transactions documentation
Advising an important Romanian company operating in the welding and machinery construction field in obtaining the state aid clearance for closing and restructuring certain of its production facilities in furtherance to the completion of the privatization
Advising a consortium of investors in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of a local research institute in the field of engineering and design for non-ferrous metallurgy and performing all activities for closing the acquisition by the client of the majority shareholding in the privatized company in a transaction amounting up to EUR 20mn; legal advice in the post-privatization phase, including in connection with the restructuring and the integration of the privatized company in the group of companies being controlled by the purchasers
Advising a consortium of investors in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of an important company operating in the metallurgy field and performing all activities for closing the acquisition by the client of the majority shareholding in the privatized company
Advising and representing the largest closed-end investment company in Romania in connection with the registration of its ownership right over the shareholdings belonging to its equity portfolio, or in exercising its shareholder rights, as well as representation of the client before the courts of law in defending its shareholder rights
Advising the leading Hungarian manufacturer of fertilizers and nitrogenous products in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of the companies resulting from the de-merger of Romanian chemical company
Advising the intermediation syndicate throughout the listing of the transmission and system operator on the Romanian electricity market, a procedure aimed at privatizing the company by way of shares sale on the capital market (i.e. initial public offering followed by listing on the regulated market), the initial public offering amounting up to EUR 35mn, including the preparation of the legal due diligence report, advising on prospectus drafting and representing the issuer before the capital market authorities
Advising the Romanian affiliate of one of the largest aluminum extrusion and profiles production groups in Europe in connection with its initial public offering for sale of shares amounting up to EUR 8mn and its listing on the regulated market, including the preparation of the legal due diligence report, advising on prospectus drafting and representing the issuer before the capital market authorities
Advising an important Romanian milling and bakery company throughout its merger with two other companies operating in the same field, in a transaction leading to the incorporation of one of the most prominent players on the domestic milling and bakery market
Advising an important Greek company operating in the field of glass products manufacturing in connection with a public offering of high yield notes amounting to EUR 140mn and being listed on Luxembourg capital market, by conducting the legal due diligence of the Romanian affiliate of the issuer and by assisting on drafting the prospectus
Advising and representing an important Italian manufacturer of pumps and compressors in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of the Romanian manufacturer of centrifugal and coaxial pumps ranking among the leading European players in its field, including by conducting the legal due diligence investigation, assisting the client in negotiating the transaction documentation and in closing the acquisition of the majority shareholding in the privatized company
Advising an important Romanian printing company in connection with its merger with two other companies operating in the same field
Advising the employees association of an important machinery constructions company in Romania in connection with its participation to the privatization procedure of the company, including by conducting the legal due diligence investigation, assisting the client in negotiating the transaction documentation and in closing the acquisition of the majority shareholding in the privatized company, advising in obtaining the state aid clearance for the restructuring of the privatized company and of the merger clearance, assistance in the post-privatization phase
Advising the leading supplier of electricity and ancillary services on the Romanian energy market in connection with the privatization of certain of its assets
Advising a leading European steel and special alloys manufacturer in connection with its participation to the privatization of the Romanian manufacturer of drawn wire and hot dip galvanize wire ranking as leading industry player in Eastern Europe, including by conducting the legal due diligence investigation, assisting the client in negotiating the transaction documentation and in closing the acquisition of the majority shareholding in the privatized company, the transaction value amounting up to EUR 50mn, advising in obtaining the state aid clearance for the restructuring of the privatized company and of the merger clearance, assistance in the post-privatization phase